23 Sep 2016
LIBRA is a three-and-a-half-year project, the first year is nearly past and we have reached two major milestones:
- The assessment of all partner institutes for Gender Equality which was performed in three levels
- Institutional assessment by our gender expert partner organisation ASDO. The collected information was the basis for the 10 diagnostic reports with concluding remarks suggesting specific areas for improvement for each institute.
- Staff perception analysis. The 10 partner institutes ran a staff survey on “Career Development”, “Work-Life-Balance”, and “Sex and Gender Dimension in research”. The data are analysed in gender and position segregated manner per institution.
- Implicit Association Test which was advertised throughout all the partner and associated partner institutes, as well as on twitter. The data collection is still running, but we see already interesting tendencies.
- The development of 10 institutional Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)
The consortium developed a GEP template with a menu of 84 actions in four areas of intervention “Recruitment”, “Career Development”, “Work-Life-Balance”, and “Sex and Gender Dimension in research”. Based on this template and the results of the assessment all partner institutes tailored their institutional GEPs. Currently all selected actions are planned more in detail and implementation is starting very soon.