We, Daria Shlyueva and Lisa Frankel from the BRIC institute participated in the LIBRA Career Development Compass , which was pilot programme for female researchers from 10 EU-LIFE institutes in 2017. The main elements of the programme were two three-day workshops, a mentoring programme, and networking among the 20 participants. The themes of the workshops included self-leadership, tips for ...
This month, two postdocs initiated a peer-support group at BRIC . The concept of the goup is based on the famous LEAN IN platform specifically developed to promote gender equality at leadership positions. The current 20 participants are divided into two support circles, including researchers at different levels of their career (PhD students, postdocs, assistant professors, staff scientists), from ...
A programme offering mentoring, networking, and training on (self-)leadership. LIBRA has designed this program as an opportunity for ambitious female scientists to get ready for the next career step as an independent researcher. Call closed Application deadline was 7th of March application_guide_cdc.pdf application_guide_cdc.pdf leaflet_cdc.pdf leaflet_cdc.pdf cdc_online.png The Current Situation ...
The PhD class of 2016 at Institut Curie received their diplomas in a special Graduation ceremony on December 13th. 48 PhD students defended their thesis this year, 32 of them were women – that means that 65% of PhDs at Institut Curie were awarded to women!
Link to the Vitae Conference website . The slides are published here . Workshop overview: The H2020-funded collaborative project LIBRA (eu-libra.eu), comprising 13 research centres (from 13 different European countries) and a gender expert organisation, promotes gender equality in research. Based on initial assessments, LIBRA partner institutions ...