Creating Futures in Science - Career development support for early stage female researchers
Portia LTD, founded by Dr. Elizabeth Politzer, chair of the Gender Summits Organising Committee, has, together with Fraunhofer and Tel Aviv University, designed a project to support female scientists at early stages of their career. The tools developed through this collaboration aim to enable young researchers to make more informed career decisions and plans.
Science Careers from the Journal Science
The AAAS has published the Science 2016 Career Handbook. The content is mainly aimed at an American audience but provides lots of interesting information for everyone.
Tenure, She Wrote
Check out the blog Tenure, She Wrote – a collaborative blog devoted to chronicling the (mis)adventures of women in academia, from undergraduate to Full Professor. The writers are a diverse group representing different career stages, institutional affiliations, disciplines, and opinions. They cover individual experiences as women academics, career advice, and opinions on the state of women in academia. Topics include mentoring, starting a lab and institutional sexism. You can also share your own viewpoints and contribute through a guest post.